Embrace Systems, Stay Focused

Safwan Alturk
June 5, 2023
min read

Goals are for losers!

Goals are rigid and be done objectives.

Most successful people follow systems and not goals.

Systems are what you do regularly, with a general expectation of improving.

Ex 1: Losing 10 kg is a goal, eating right is a system.

Ex 2: Running a marathon is a goal, exercising daily is a system.

Ex 3: Making a million dollars is a goal, becoming a serial entrepreneur is a system.

Don't follow rigid pursuits; stay open and curious about new and better ways of doing things.

How to stay focused and mentally fresh?

I have been trying the Pomodoro technique, and it is quite interesting.

Step 1: Pick a task

Step 2: Set a 25min timer

Step 3: Work on the task

Step 4: Take a 5min break

Step 5: Every 4 pomodoros, take a loner 15-30min break.

Give it a shot.

On Personal Branding

Everyone has a personal brand, whether they like it or not.

Professional reputation is part of this.

Even if you're not actively considering it, you have one.

Everyone reading this does or will at some point.

It's worth considering who you are, what you stand for, and the image you want to present to the world.

Until next time.

— Saf

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