4 Brutal Truths I Nailed in 45 Minutes of Training

Safwan Alturk
July 19, 2024
min read

Crushed a brutal weightlifting session yesterday.

(Pretty sure I'll be using the elevator today.)

4 hard truths I hammered home in 45 minutes:

1. Build Mental Toughness. Your mind's the real muscle.

2. Pack on Lean Mass. Command respect, earn results.

3. Torch Fat 24/7. Burn calories while you're running your business.

4. Dominate Life AND Dinner. Earn your cheese burger

Real talk: I've hit rock bottom. Several times. Burnout, stress, anxiety—the whole shitshow.

Each time, working out saved me. Not just my body. My mind.

Every rep = a moment of clarity.

Every set = a step back from the edge.

Weightlifting isn't just about gains. It's my battlefield for mental health.

Your body's your business card. Your mind's your CEO.

Stop making excuses. Start making gains.

Lift heavy. Get after it.

Your future self - and your bottom line - will thank you.

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